Unfortunately due to media blackout, we have no photos to share from this wonderful #Charlottedujardin clinic, but there are plenty out there on facebook to enjoy!
Having enjoyed dressage in Canada for 35+ years, I have attended many of the old masters clinics and lectures. I have filed away copious amounts of notes and sayings that I wanted to remember and occasionally I get them out to see if and what has changed in #classical #dressage.
What struck me in a profound way was the ray of hope for dressage that gradually took over me as I watched and listened to this relatively young dressage woman this past weekend. She has a personality that is magnetic, and very witty. She wove her criticism with British humour, and clever anecdotes, while in the same breath making timely and intuitive corrections to take a 'ho hum' looking horse/ride combination to a 'oh my, wow' duo. Not just a few, but every horse/rider combination experienced her expertise.
She was organized in her delivery of the various training/age levels of the horse, beginning with the young horse (4 year olds) up through to the Grand Prix. She took the opportunity to have the riders ride quite a variety of different exercises to demonstrate what is expected of each of the age (horse)
I mentioned that I felt renewed hope for dressage in Canada by the end of the clinic. After 35+ years, classical dressage has remained the same and that's what I find so encouraging. Charlotte used more humour and wit than the old masters, had a certain level of fun factor in her delivery, but her training messages were the same; from the training scale, the types of exercises to the treatment of the horses. If you get a chance to audit one of her clinics, I would highly recommend doing so. You won't regret it!
Enjoy your ride!

Some favourite Charlotte Dujardin quotes heard at the clinic:
Don’t sit there like a fairy on the Christmas tree. You’ve got to get riding.
Keep practicing hundreds of transitions.
Pat her like you love her.
Stay in rising trot until she relaxes. Use your back and stomach muscles rather than your hands.
Ride your corners, ride into the corner and ride out of the corner.
Don’t get cross and frustrated. Get her focused and don’t let her take a look at things.
Our routine...we school Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday go hacking on the buckle, Thursday, Friday school. Saturday hacking again and Sunday is a day off.
A bad ride can spoil your day and your husband’s day. Sometimes it makes you feel like giving up but you have to keep smiling.